Determine if your newest acquisitions are living up to their contracts. We've developed a proprietary rating statistic that powers your contract and trade decisions. We call it HENRI.
Trades have different value at different times. Teams have varying lineup needs. But all trades impact current and future value. We've developed the NHL's first trade machine to evaluate the year-by-year value of any trade, compare it to cap, and assure you're not missing out.
Identify under-the-radar prospects by going beyond box scores across all juniors leagues. Our platform sources data across top American and European leagues, produces NHL comparable players, and measures percent of team offense. Gain value in any round.
Utilize the only platform that identifies historic GM asset preferences during trades, picks, and signings. Evaluate your line combinations against a prior opponent's to create the best matchups and maximize production leveraging quality of competition data. Create lineups with one comprehensive view of your organization's assets.